Build Resilience in An Uncertain world
In Building a Resilient Life, you’ll discover five practical, life-changing rules of resilience to help you thrive in difficult times. Order now and receive $78 in FREE Bonuses!
Adversity can knock you down—or awaken your heart. It can lead to discouragement—or guide you toward change. It can trap you in despair—or be a gateway to peace.
Life is hard for all kinds of reasons. It's tempting to move past the pain as quickly as possible. Adversity awakens us with a choice: will stress and fear cause you to crumble or embrace the strength you've already been given? Writing as a friend who understands pain, Rebekah Lyons--bestselling author of Rhythms of Renewal and popular host of the Rhythms for Life podcast--reminds us that even in overwhelm, you can build a peace-filled resilience for every day ahead.
Through story, psychology and biblical teaching, you’ll discover a new framework to:
Find five rules of resilience to thrive in difficult times
Embrace adversity as a friend rather than an enemy
Reset triggers of overwhelm with a fortified faith
Experience community to rally in stressful seasons
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video study for your church or small group
On those days you feel you have nothing left to give, the tools in Building a Resilient Life will draw you closer to a God who offers a peace beyond understanding, a hope beyond today, and a strength you never knew you had.
This study guide includes:
Individual access to five streaming video sessions
A guide to best practices for leading a group
Video notes and a comprehensive small group discussion time
Between sessions personal Bible study with memory verses and reflection questions
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Claim Your Order Bonuses
Oder Building a Resilient Life and receive the following bonuses free!
Emotional Health Mini Series ($59 value)- Join Rebekah and Gabe as they invite licensed counselors to help you reset triggers of overwhelm, retrain your brain to shift the narrative, and treat adversity as a friend, rather than an enemy.
Emotion Health Guide ($19 value)- Rebekah and Gabe join Dr. Chip Dodd to better understand how our eight primary feelings—anger, hurt, fear, loneliness, sadness, shame, guilt, and gladness—are tools God’s given us to discover who we are made to be.
First Three Chapters (free download)
10 Verses to Cling to When You Feel Less than Resilient
How Resilient Are You?
Take the online quiz to discover where you are most resilient, where it comes most naturally for you. Then receive input and feedback on the remaining rules, with actionable steps on ways to strengthen and grow.