I Started Seminary!

With two kids launched into college and our version of empty nesting begins, it feels surreal to begin a Masters of Theology and Biblical Studies at Denver Seminary with an extraordinary group of women!

A while back I stumbled upon the verse, "He has made everything appropriate in its time." When I first learned about this cohort nine months ago, I was thrilled (it's always been a dream), then overwhelmed, then discouraged, then surrendered, then obedient, then at peace.

It's amazing the lengths God will go to remind us that obedience is simply trusting his word as a lamp at our feet + light on our path. We don't know where it turns, or who will join along the way, because faith is never about the destination but our willingness to yield.

So here's to new seasons of falling more in love with Jesus through academic rigor while cherishing the childlike wonder of what we'll never fully comprehend!

Thank you God!


Our Adoption Story


Family Lake Trip Teaches Us Resilience